Goliath Poker Blog Day 3

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Goliath 2019 The Poker Jungle Blog A ‘Jen’eral Update – The Main Event Hey all, I know there hasn’t been a blog for a couple days, with the late nights and early starts it’s quite hard to keep on top of things. Poker Pro Tips – GOLIATH: The Mental Game When I first tried online poker some 11—12 years ago, I began by playing micro stakes cash games and Sit & Gos (SNGs). I didn’t even consider Multi-Table Tournaments (MTTs)—the prospect of competing against 100 or 200 players daunted me.

Published On August 4, 2019


Wow!! What an event that was!!

Goliath 2019 exceeded all expectations. After nine days of brilliant fun-filled poker the tournament has finished.

A massive 9,300 entries in total makes it a new record, completely smashing last years record!!

The tournament is made by the players and the staff working hand in hand to bring a festival like no other!!

Lee Reynolds has been crowned as the 2019 champion, taking home £64,000!

We’ll be back next year, so come and join us.

The 2020, Ten year Anniversary of Goliath will take place from 29th July – 9th August 2020.

See you then!

Lee Reynolds Goliath 2019 Champion – 21:15

The Final Table – 17:20

We are now on the final table!! We’re going to stop blogging and leave you to watch the final at the link below.

Watch it here – https://gros.casino/Live_Poker

The Finalists – 15:15

Christopher Bartlett61,350,000
Lee Reynolds 45,250,000
Cristian Tamas 41,100,000
Derek Borwick 40,450,000
Tom Jones 19,200,000
Trevor Howard 10,500,000
Igors Puskarskis 7,350,000
Matthew Wright 4,250,000
Alan Watkins 2,900,000

Exits – 15:15

11Tranh Truong£9,025
13Andrei Buta£7,020

Bust Outs – 14:15

17Martyn Bebb£5,470

Pics – 14:01

Level 36 – 13:25


The players are back seated as we begin level 36.

The blinds are now 250,000/500,000.

Chip Counts – 13:20

Cristian Tamas32350000
Andrei Buta32050000
Christopher Bartlett30675000
Alan Barker18850000
Derek Borwick17050000
Matthew Wright12800000
Lee Reynolds11025000
Igors Puskarskis10525000
David Stephenson10400000
Scott Deathridge8725000
Trevor Howard7075000
Thanh Truong6600000
Tom Jones6350000
Martyn Bebb6125000
Alan Watkins4525000
Oliver Braddock4225000
Luke Hallinan3800000
Joe Nguyen2925000

Break Time – 12:59

Break time now for the players.

Chip Counts will be up after the break.

Nim Rattan 28th – 12:45

Nim Rattan has just busted the main event in 28th place.
All in on a 2–3–5 flop holding pocket twos for bottom set, but she ran into A-4!!
She was the final woman in the tournament and takes home £3,370 for her efforts.

Exits – 12:30

25Benjamin Alfred EdwardNewman£3,830

Prizepool Payout – 12:15

1 – £118,000
2 – £85,810
3 – £61,975
4 – £43,750
5 – £30,075
6 – £20,965
7 – £16,405
8 – £13,670
9 – £11,850
10 – £10,295
11 – £9,025
12 – £7,925
13 – £7,020
14 – £7,020
15 – £6,200
16 – £6,200
17 – £5,470
18 – £5,470
19 – £4,830
20 – £4,830
21 – £4,285
22 – £4,285
23 – £3,830
24 – £3,830
25 – £3,830
26 – £3,370
27 – £3,370
28 – £3,370
29 – £2,915
30 – £2,915
31 – £2,915
32 – £2,550
33 – £2,550
34 – £2,550
35 – £2,280
36 – £2,280
37 – £2,280
38 – £2,280

Over shots – 11:45

Chip Counts – 11:15

Derek Borwick28,375,000
Andrei Buta16,300,000
Christopher Bartlett16,200,000
Aivaras Gaubys8,750,000
Scott Deathridge8,450,000
Nicolas Izamis8,450,000
David Stephenson8,350,000
Alan Barker8,275,000
Lee Reynolds7,825,000
A K7,650,000
Robert Hutchison7,575,000
Tom Jones6,400,000
Daniel Storey6,250,000
Oliver Braddock5,950,000
Cristian Tamas5,600,000
Trevor Howard5,050,000
Nim Rattan4,800,000
Matthew Wright4,725,000
Joe Nguyen4,650,000
Susan Stevens4,350,000
Tony Ringe4,275,000
Alan Watkins3,800,000
Michael Hart3,775,000
John Pollard3,750,000
Tan Le3,650,000
Benjamin Newman3,600,000
Kevin O’neill3,550,000
Francisc Furic3,475,000
Gareth Nelson3,375,000
Martyn Bebb3,300,000
Jack Veal3,075,000
Adam Bilcock2,350,000
Charles Garrett1,875,000
Josh Romeo1,675,000
Christopher Dash1,525,000
Thanh Truong1,275,000
Igors Puskarskis725,000
Luke Hallinan429,000

Welcome To Day Three – 11:01

Good morning and welcome to Day 3 of the biggest ever tournament outside of Las Vegas. The 2019 Goliath!!

There are just 38 players coming back for Day 3, who is going to take it down??

The players have just started play.

Blinds started at 125,000/250,000 with 250,000 big blind ante.

When I first tried online poker some 11—12 years ago, I began by playing micro stakes cash games and Sit & Gos (SNGs).

I didn’t even consider Multi-Table Tournaments (MTTs)—the prospect of competing against 100 or 200 players daunted me. I didn’t have the (over?)confidence to believe I would win the 1st prize; the odds seemed dire.

The idea that one day, I might compete in fields of 10,000+ online (or thousands of players in a casino) and have a serious chance of reaching the final table, was unthinkable.

Brits have a culture of rooting for the underdog. One of the fun things about MTTs is that the underdog can triumph. The amateur can outdraw the pro; the short stack can come back from a ‘chip & a chair’; the trophy is anybody’s for the taking.

With Goliath fast approaching, Grosvenor asked me to pen a few words of advice for my fellow punters. David & Goliath is of course a parable of the underdog—of beating the odds. Just as David was able to turn the odds in his favour using his skill with a slingshot, we can find ways to bolster our prospects of surviving the bumper field in the Goliath Main Event.

Soft Skills

Over the years, through a mixture of study and experience, I’ve found a few edges in poker. Hundreds of articles have been written about poker strategy—when to bet, when to check—so I thought I’d talk about some more neglected areas. There is a family of edges in our favourite game which, collectively, I think of as the ‘soft skills’ of poker. I learned some of these from my online experience, and others from making the transition to grinding live MTTs.

I shall discuss a few of these soft skills, particularly as they apply to approaching a huge live event like Goliath.

Processing Setbacks

The Goliath is a three-day tournament with deep stacks and a slow (40 minute) clock. Playing with 100+ big blinds is fun, but it also means you have a lot to lose! It only takes one error of judgment and it’s all gone.

I’ve played tens of thousands of tournaments online and experienced every hero-to-zero disappointment imaginable, but I’ll concede that emotions run wilder in live tournaments. This is largely due to the slower pace; it’s hard not to develop an attachment to your hard won chips after hours or days of grind.

Setbacks are inevitable along the journey to the final table—you’ll be outdrawn dozens of times, find yourself on the wrong end of a number of ‘coolers’, and might make some mistakes too. It’s important you don’t compound these setbacks by making further mistakes due to tilt.

Tilt control is paramount in tournaments, particularly as the gravity of decisions ramps up as time passes and stacks increase. A decision on day three could be worth 100 or more buy-ins!

If you feel tilted after a setback, remind yourself that your remaining stack has a quantifiable equity. Don’t set your last £500 on fire just because two minutes ago you had £1000. One of the adjustments I make when I feel tilted is to play a little tighter. This is because you get into more difficult situations with the more marginal hands, and in no-limit hold’em, mistakes compound themselves down the streets. In any situation (pre- or post-flop), if in doubt, lean towards folding.

Also be self-aware. Whether or not a big setback has put you on tilt, anyone at your table who’s smart may expect you to be tilted, so bluff attempts may be less profitable than usual, and people may be less likely to try and bluff you—again, making it smarter to play tight and lean towards folding.

Bad Beats

No matter how well you play, you can’t play poker for three days without getting unlucky at some point, so it’s crucial that you handle the disappointment of bad beats in the right way.

It is surprising how upset players can get over relatively trivial beats. Perhaps this is an area where experienced online players—who have played literally millions of hands, and seen every cooler and every outdraw imaginable—have an edge. We’ve ‘seen it all before’ and don’t automatically expect to win.

The feeling that we ‘should’ win, for example when dominating with AKcc vs A5hh, is detached from reality. AKcc will win 68% of the time; A5hh 28%; and we’ll chop the pot 4%. To think one is ‘supposed’ to win is an irrational feeling of entitlement.

If you find bad beats very upsetting, perhaps try to reframe the situation. Pre-empt the disappointment by realigning your expectations. When you get AKcc in vs A5hh, before the board is dealt, remind yourself that your opponent is entitled to win 28% of the time.

You do not ‘own’ the whole pot just because you are the statistical favourite. Imagine the pot being divided unequally, with the underdog hand owning the smaller slice of the cake, and your hand owning the larger slice.

When you get it in as a 70/30 favourite and do win, you have actually run above expectation—because you’ve been awarded the whole cake, rather than just your theoretical share.

Moreover, if you win two 70/30’s in a row, you have actually got lucky in every mathematical sense. You may well congratulate yourself for having got it in ahead twice, but even glossing over the possibility you were lucky to find the dominating hand in one or both of those spots, you’re the underdog to win both showdowns. 51% of the time you will lose one or both all-ins.

Goliath Poker Blog Day 360

Entitlement is cognitive bias, and it is your enemy in poker. Remind yourself: “My opponent will win this hand some of the time. Whatever happens, happens.”

Bad Play

Poker can be a frustrating game. How you manage and direct that frustration can make or break a poker player. Just as being upset about the ‘unfairness’ of outdraws is a waste of energy, so is directing your frustration towards other players.

I won’t pretend I’ve never thought, exasperated after losing a hand, “How on earth did this guy get to the river with that hand??” It’s important to acknowledge our emotions, but not let them rule us. If we play our own hand correctly, it’s variance that’s to blame for our loss, not the other player. They were actually helping us (inadvertently!) through their bad play. We want people to make stupid calls against us; but we’re not entitled to win every time.

After losing a hand to a bad player who got lucky, a good practice is to develop a habit of consciously directing your thoughts in a positive direction.

Don’t think, “What an idiot for calling a big bet on the turn with a gutshot draw!”

Rather, think, “Ok, this guy is making loose calls on the turn—and therefore almost certainly on the flop and pre-flop as well. So these are the adjustments I’m going to make in future hands versus this player…”

Instead of being annoyed that they made a loose call, figure out why they made the loose call. Even bad players have method in their madness.

Did they call…

* Because they don’t understand pot odds/implied odds?

* Because they have a general predisposition towards not giving up on hands? (They are overly optimistic/sticky; a ‘calling station’.)

* Because they have poor self-discipline? (Deep down they know they should fold, but they call hoping to get lucky.)

* Because they were temporarily tilted?

Goliath Poker Blog Day 31

* Because they are creative? (Perhaps they made the call knowing they didn’t have the odds to make their hand, but had a plan to bluff certain rivers?)

Dismissing someone’s play as simply bad is a trap. In poker, not only do you have to figure out when and why to bet or check; you must also figure out your opponents’ understandings of the game—you must decipher their patterns of play, and infer the rationale behind their betting actions.

Even a clueless player who appears to be ‘clicking buttons’ will arrive at each street with a certain distribution of hands, albeit a less rigidly constrained range than that of a more experienced player.

Here’s an example of a constructive train of thought after being outdrawn by a bad call:

Goliath Poker Blog Day 3 Nights

“Ok, so this guy on my left hates to fold. In future hands, out-of-position to this guy, I’ll bet thinner for value [e.g. I’ll bet some more top-pair hands on the turn that I’d otherwise check], and I’ll use greedy bet sizings to extract maximum value. I’ll make a lot of profit on certain board textures by betting value hands twice, then [since he’s getting to the river with a lot of weak/unmade hands] checking a brick river, to induce bluffs. And I’ll only bluff the turn if I’m willing to pull the trigger on the river too.”

Goliath Poker Blog Day 30

Positive Variance

NLHE tournaments are highly volatile. A player can nosedive from chip leader to short stack in a few hands, and the reverse is also true. Much of this is outside our control.

It’s easy to feel excited when we gather momentum and suddenly build a stack, but heightened expectations can be our downfall. It’s important to stay in the moment and take the game one hand at a time.

Anyone with any tournament experience can attest that a player who doubles up to 50k chips, but then loses half those chips again, will have a very different mental state from someone who loses half their starting stack, but then doubles back up to 25k. Both players now have the same chip stack, but the player who had 50k is more likely to be agitated.

There is another insidious form of tilt however, which has been nicknamed ‘winner’s tilt’. A player on a heater often feels invincible, particularly if they are inexperienced and don’t realise they have been winning in spite of mistakes, rather than because of playing well. This cognitive bias can lead to reckless or optimistic play, and those chips can evaporate as quickly as they were accumulated.

The thing to remember is that whether you have 25k, 50k or 100k, you are still a long, long way from the finish line. Don’t fixate on how many chips you did have (‘chasing your losses’). Don’t fixate on how many chips someone else has (e.g. the feeling of injustice that a bad player is faring well). And don’t fixate on how far you are ahead or behind the tournament average—it’s a marathon, not a sprint.

In reality, much of poker is outside of our control. Relinquishing control goes against our nature as human beings. Indeed players are wont to exhibit quasi-superstitious behaviour—calling cards when all-in (‘DEUCE!’), and ironically invoking the gambler’s fallacy (“I’m due a hand” / “He can’t have aces again!”)

If you build a big stack, try not to get ahead of yourself. Remind yourself that you can lose your chips at any time, possibly through circumstances outside your control, so just live in the moment and focus on getting each individual decision right in a vacuum.

Fun First

Continuing in the vein of living in the moment, my final piece of advice is: have fun! It’s pretty hard to win a tournament with thousands of entrants, but it’s not hard to have fun at Goliath. There is a unique infectious buzz, a real festival atmosphere. Expect the full gamut of poker players, from pub players to online pros. We’re all united by our love of the beautiful game. Take it one hand at a time and enjoy yourself.

Good luck!

Satellites are now running, exclusively on Grosvenorpoker.com

For all information on Goliath and full satellite schedule visit the official Goliath page.

