Poker Meaning And Synonyms

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  • A metal rod with a handle, used for prodding and stirring an open fire.

    ‘You will tell them that most nights you just sit home chewing on white-hot pokers straight from the fire.’
    • ‘We could not produce blue-prints or mould metal pokers in the forge.’
    • ‘Soldiers also use pokers and metal detectors, digging deeper earth to locate the mines.’
    • ‘We all dove for the marshmallows and impaled them to the end of out metal pokers.’
    • ‘He painted their necks and faces with red paint to simulate blood and held knives, pokers and even daggers to their throats.’
    • ‘Fireplace pokers and knives should be stored out of sight.’
    • ‘Leave the knives and hot pokers out of it, is my advice.’
    • ‘So I propose no system of ‘rules’ to be imposed (with hot pokers in the eyes, no less, according to the hysterical Mr. Butler!) on anybody.’
    • ‘Transition Year students at the school have been following a course in metalwork and engineering, creating projects such as brass door pulls and doorknockers, and fireside pokers.’
    • ‘Perhaps the perpetrators should be rounded up and branded with hot pokers with the insignia ‘BIGOT’ on their forehead to see how they like it.’
    • ‘It's the jokers who cover over the ashes with hot pokers stemmed from their own rebuttal, sitting around the cold coal fire in my living room, bunting one another with harsh words.’
    • ‘Baseball bats, garden rakes, fireside pokers, wrenches and planks of wood were seized as Gardaí battled desperately to bring the riot under control.’
    • ‘And if we were able to do that, then we might win Popper's argument for him - without having to resort to pokers.’
    • ‘Baseball bats, fireside pokers, wrenches and garden rakes were seized by Gardaí.’
    • ‘Tongs, pokers and even smoothing irons were used, apart from fists, boots and belts.’
    • ‘Some versions even have Popper and Wittgenstein duelling with a pair of pokers.’
    • ‘I'm sure makes sense to the chap in the corner with the red hot pokers on his feet.’
    • ‘He had attended parties, and he had been impaled with hot pokers, and between the two, the hot pokers still held a narrow lead.’
    • ‘The audio track is without obvious flaw, and we hear every dying scream, sizzle of hot pokers, and swoosh of descending swords with great clarity and resonance.’

Main definitions of poker in English

: poker1

A card game in which the players bet on the value of their hands (of five cards), the bets forming a pool to be taken by the player who remains after all others have dropped out of the betting or who holds the highest hand: there are several varieties. (ˈpoʊkɝ) Any of various card games in which players bet that they hold the highest-ranking hand.



See synonyms for pokerPoker Meaning And Synonyms

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Poker meaning and synonyms meaning
  • A card game played by two or more people who bet on the value of the hands dealt to them. A player wins the pool either by having the highest combination at the showdown or by forcing all opponents to concede without a showing of the hand, sometimes by means of bluff.

    ‘I do not know of any state that has passed a law stating that players can play poker online.’
    • ‘Also, to refuse to fold when a player knows that he or she is beat is stubbornness, not poker.’
    • ‘To succeed at the top levels of poker you need your head, your heart and your groin to be able to take it.’
    • ‘You simply cannot put in all that many hours in a year playing major tournament poker.’
    • ‘After this the men may separate for gin rummy or poker, leaving the women alone to their gossip.’
    • ‘Play is the same manner as poker, high score wins the pot, and players are allowed to fold if the betting gets too much for them.’
    • ‘At the start of the game each player must pay a small fee, like in poker.’
    • ‘However, when you introduce the concept of betting, poker gains quite a bit of skill and psychology.’
    • ‘Winning poker is all about revenue streams, a few big ones and many, many small ones.’
    • ‘In poker, you need to know when you can count on someone behind you to bet for you.’
    • ‘Then there are the casino gamblers, who treat poker as an elaborate version of roulette.’
    • ‘Indeed, sitting down to a game of Sheepshead often involves negotiating table rules, much like poker.’
    • ‘The remaining chips for the last hand of the game are played at poker.’
    • ‘It is sometimes said to be similar to poker, but in fact it is much older and the method of betting is different.’
    • ‘The basic idea is to play a game of poker in which the losers have to remove items of clothing.’
    • ‘I was in Amsterdam recently, and went down to play poker at the Holland Casino on Leidseplein.’
    • ‘Bennett also said that he gambles almost entirely on slot machines and video poker.’
    • ‘This is something I do from time to time. My preferred game is poker but last night we played contract whist.’
    • ‘If you have ever played poker before, you will know that every player has a ‘bad beat’ story.’
    • ‘It wasn't pool we were playing but poker and the same principles applied.’

Poker Meaning And Synonyms Meaning


Mid 19th century of US origin; perhaps related to German pochen ‘to brag’, Pochspiel ‘bragging game’.

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Welcome to Confused by some of the poker terminology and lingo? This site is here to help you better understand the talk from opponents. You can find some of the best places to play at, but before you can master the game, you need to get familiar with all the poker terms and poker slang used by Texas Holdem players, both online and live.

Chances are if you’re an online poker player then you’ve heard of online poker sites that allow visitors to play anywhere and anytime you want. Every poker player should take advantage of the free money being given to you, as it will provide a healthy boost to your online poker bankroll which will no doubt come in handy while you’re still learning the game.

This page is a dictionary and glossary of 280+ poker terms and acronyms and counting. If you want to know what was meant by a “three-bet”, “continuation bet”, “donkey”, “squeeze play” or any other expressions used by the global poker playing community, you should browse through the poker dictionary below. Definitions include cross-links, real world examples, and related terms to help you dig deeper into the language of poker. Knowing the main poker terms will make analyzing and discussing poker hands with your friends a much easier task.

Glossary of Poker Terms: Alphabetical Listing

  • 6-Max
  • ABC Poker
  • Ace High
  • Ace Rag
  • Action
  • Active Player
  • Add-on
  • Air
  • All In
  • Alligator Blood
  • Angle Shooting
  • Ante
  • ATM
  • Avatar
  • Baby Flush
  • Backdoor
  • Bad Beat
  • Bad Beat Jackpot
  • Badugi
  • Bankroll
  • Barrel
  • BB
  • Bet the Pot
  • Betting Line
  • Betting Pattern
  • Big Bet Poker
  • Big Blind Special
  • Big Pair
  • Big Slick
  • Bitcoin Poker
  • Black Friday
  • Blind
  • Blind Stealing
  • Blocker
  • Blocking Bet
  • Bluff
  • Bluff Catcher
  • Board
  • Bonus Rollover
  • Bonus Whoring
  • Bottom Pair
  • Bounty
  • Brick
  • BRM
  • Broadway Card
  • Bubble
  • Bum Hunting
  • Burn Card
  • Button
  • Buy-In
  • BvB
  • BWCT
  • Call
  • Calling Station
  • Cap
  • Caribbean Stud Poker
  • Cash Game
  • Chase
  • Chat Box
  • Check
  • Check Fold
  • Check in the Dark
  • Check Raise
  • Chip Dumping
  • Chip Leader
  • Coffee Housing
  • Cold Deck
  • Collusion
  • Combo Draw
  • Community Card
  • Computer Hand
  • Continuation Bet
  • Cooler
  • Counterfeiting
  • Cutoff
  • Dead Man’s Hand
  • Dead Money
  • Deal It Twice
  • Dealer
  • Dominated
  • Donk Bet
  • Donkey
  • Double Belly Buster
  • Double Or Nothing
  • Doyle Brunson
  • Draw
  • Draw Poker
  • Drawing Dead
  • Dry Board
  • Early Position
  • Effective Stack
  • EP
  • EPT
  • Equity
  • EV
  • Face Card
  • Face Up
  • Fast Play
  • Final Table
  • Fish
  • Fit or Fold
  • Five of a Kind
  • Float Play
  • Flop
  • Flush
  • Flush Draw
  • Fold
  • Fold Equity
  • Four of a Kind
  • Four-Bet
  • FPS
  • Free Card
  • Freeroll
  • Full House
  • Gambler’s Fallacy
  • Garbage Hand
  • Grinder
  • GTD
  • Gutshot
  • Hand History
  • Hand Odds
  • Hand-for-Hand
  • Heads-Up Poker
  • Heater
  • Hero Call
  • High Card
  • High Stakes Poker
  • Hit and Run
  • Holdem
  • Home Game
  • HU4Rollz
  • HUD
  • ICM
  • Implied Odds
  • Inducing
  • IP
  • Isolation Play
  • ITM
  • Jacks or Better
  • Kicker
  • LAG
  • Late Position
  • Lead
  • Let It Ride Poker
  • Levelling
  • Limit Poker
  • Limp
  • LP
  • Main Pot
  • Maniac
  • Metagame
  • Micro Stakes
  • Middle Pair
  • Middle Position
  • Misclick
  • MP
  • MTT
  • Muck
  • Multi-Accounting
  • Multi-Tabling
  • Nit
  • Nitroll
  • No Deposit Bonus
  • Nosebleeds
  • Nuts
  • Omaha
  • Omaha Hi/Lo
  • One Pair
  • OOP
  • Open Raise
  • Orbit
  • Outs
  • Overbet
  • Overcall
  • Overcard
  • Overlay
  • Overlimp
  • Overrolled
  • Pai Gow Poker
  • Payout Structure
  • PFR
  • Pineapple Poker
  • PLO
  • Pocket Pair
  • Poker Bot
  • Poker Etiquette
  • Poker Face
  • PokerStove
  • PokerTracker
  • Position
  • Postflop
  • Pot Committed
  • Pot Limit Omaha
  • Pot Odds
  • Preflop
  • Preflop Aggressor
  • Protect
  • Rabbit Hunting
  • Rack
  • Ragged
  • Railbird
  • Rainbow Flop
  • Rake
  • Rakeback
  • Range Merging
  • Rank
  • Re-Buy
  • Results Oriented Thinking
  • Ring Game
  • River
  • RNG
  • Royal Flush
  • Runner Runner
  • Satellite
  • SB
  • Scare Card
  • Semi-Bluff
  • Set
  • Shark
  • Shootout
  • Short Stack
  • Short-Handed
  • Showdown
  • Side Pot
  • Sit and Go
  • Sitting Out
  • Slow Play
  • Slowroll
  • Small Ball Poker
  • Snapcall
  • Speed Poker
  • Spew
  • Spin and Go
  • Splash The Pot
  • Split
  • SPR
  • Squeeze Play
  • Stake
  • Staking
  • Starting Hand
  • Steps Tournaments
  • Stone Cold Bluff
  • Straddle
  • Straight
  • Straight Draw
  • Straight Flush
  • String Bet
  • Strip Poker
  • STT
  • Stud Poker
  • Suckout
  • Suited
  • Suited Connectors
  • Super Satellite
  • TAG
  • Tanking
  • Tapping the Glass
  • Tell
  • Three Card Poker
  • Three of a Kind
  • Three-Bet
  • Three-Bet Light
  • Tilt
  • Time Bank
  • Top Pair
  • Top Two
  • Tournament
  • Tournament Director
  • TPTK
  • Turbo
  • Turn
  • Two Pair
  • Underrolled
  • UTG
  • Value Bet
  • Variance
  • Verbal
  • Video Poker
  • VPIP
  • Wait for Big Blind
  • Walk
  • WAWB
  • Weak
  • Wet Board
  • Wild Card
  • Winrate
  • WPT
  • Wrap
  • WSOP

I hope you can put this poker lingo to good use in both speaking to other poker players, and understanding different aspects of the game. Poker lingo is an important tool in helping you to understand what advice others are giving. Additionally, if the other players at the table realize that you are not familiar with the poker terms then they might gauge that you are a new player.

Poker Meaning And Synonyms Dictionary

Man can’t survive on poker lingo alone though, so please continue on through this website, and learn more about Texas Hold’em and other poker variants. If you have any questions or would like to submit a phrase request for a poker term that you are not familiar with and is not already on our site, please contact us at info @ – New poker terms and acronyms are added to our site all the time, so check back often!