Poker Vicky Coren

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  • Introduction

“Coren is a strangely winning combination of lone cowgirl, femme fatale and soft-centred feminist.” - THE WEEKEND AUSTRALIAN

Victoria Coren Mitchell is a writer, broadcaster, presenter of Only Connect on BBC Two and a competitive international poker player.

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The month’s upcoming events appear on the NEWS page.

Poker Victoria Coren

Team PokerStars Pro Victoria Coren to marry David Mitchell. It was 2005 when someone led me into an audio booth in a London television studio. I was due to sit down next to James Hartigan to provide some color commentary for the World Cup of Poker II. Victoria Coren short bio. Victoria was born 18 August 1972 in Hammersmith, London, UK. She has many talents. Coren is a columnist for The Observer and The Guardian, host of TV show Only Connect, and a professional poker player. She’s married to David Mitchell since 2012. Coren was also the first woman that won European Poker Tour event. Poker player: Victoria Coren Mitchell / UK Press via Getty Images. 27 September 2018. Ictoria Coren Mitchell, journalist and game-show host, has revealed how she deals with sexual innuendo. Victoria Coren joined them around the table for a new TV series - Celebrity Poker Club Victoria Coren Sat 25 Oct 2003 19.57 EDT First published on Sat 25 Oct 2003 19.57 EDT.

Some posts on the BLOG will baffle anyone who doesn’t gamble, others will baffle anyone who does, but please feel free to post any comments or questions. That’s “free” in the sense that they may be deleted immediately by the moderator if she’s unamused.

Victoria’s tournament results, some tournament footage and strategy advice, appear on the POKER page.

The COLUMNS page is updated weekly with Victoria’s new columns in The Observer and GQ.

If you got here accidentally after googling “pornography”, “gambling” and “chocolate”, that will make sense on the BOOKS page.

And if this isn’t enough, if you need more from Victoria Coren – ideally in the form of hastily-typed, drastically limited sentences – try TWITTER.


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Level Three, Hour One: Brian Rast Eliminates a Player

Jul 07, '10

Vicky Coren Poker

Blinds: 150-300

Notable Chip Counts:

1. Barny Boatman – 140,000
2. David Williams – 107,000
3. Johnny Chan – 80,000
4. Alex Outhred – 68,000
5. Robert Mizrachi – 67,000
6. Leo Margets – 64,300
7. Matt Woodward – 64,000
8. Kai Paulsen – 58,000
9. Carlos Mortensen – 57,600
10. Pieter de Korver – 55,500

Card Player Chip Counts:

Steve Murphy — 37,800
Christina Lindley — 45,500
Dani Stern — 40,000
Tony Dunst — 19,400

Poker Vicky CorenVicky coren pokerVictoria

Notable Eliminations:

Big Hands:

Brian Rast Eliminates a Player

A player moved all in for 4,450 on a board reading 9872. Brian Rast made the call. Rast tabled the QQ while his opponent exposed the Q10. Rast was fading a number of outs to eliminate his opponent. The J on the river filled one the draws for Rast’s opponent. Rast was down to 38,000 after the hand.

Kristy Gazes With the Knockout

Kristy Gazes got a short-stacked opponent all in preflop and showed QQ against her opponent’s AQ.

The flop ran 102K, giving her opponent a straight draw for more outs. The turn brought the 10 and only a jack or an ace on the river could save her opponent. Instead, the 4 came and Gazes held on for the knockout. She had around 34,000 after the hand.

Kling Looking Good, Chipping Up

Lauren Kling called a bet of 3,550 from her opponent on a flop of AJ7. Both players checked the 9 on the turn, and when the 10 landed on the river Kling’s opponent bet 6,000.

Kling raised to 17,000, sending her opponent into the tank for some time. He eventually folded and Kling saw her stack grow to around 50,000.

Boatman Soars Up The Leaderboard

Entering the action late, Barny Boatman called his opponent’s all in bet on a board of J84K2. Their hands:

Boatman: JJ
Opponent: KJ

Boatman raked a nice pot and is now one of the chip leaders on day 1c with 140,000.

Vicky Coren Eliminated by Big Slick

Vicky Coren got her short stack all in preflop against the player in seat 5. Their hands:

Coren: JJ
Opponent: AK

It was a coin flip situation, but the first card out wasn’t good for Coren. The flop came KQ9, pairing her opponent and leaving her in need of another jack or a ten for a straight. It wasn’t meant to be, as the 7 hit on the turn and the 3 completed the board, eliminating Coren.

Coren was unable to cash at the 2010 WSOP. Follow her on twitter.

Madsen Survives For The Moment

Vicky Coren Poker Instagram

The player in seat 5 raised to 675 preflop and two players called from late position. The action was then on Jeff Madsen on the button and he moved all in for 6,700.
Seat 5 then reshoved to isolate Madsen and the other two callers mucked. Here were their hands:

Madsen: AK
Seat 5: AK

Both players had the same hand but Madsen needed to fade clubs. The board ran out 87254 and Madsen survived his all in with a chop. He was at 7,800 after the hand.

Pavilion Room Update

Jennifer Leigh Doubles Up

Jennifer Leigh was all in on a board of Q972. She was called by an opponent with the AQ for top pair. Leigh tabled the AA and was far ahead. The 9 on the river was safe and Leigh doubled to 44,000.