Slot Machine Programming Code C++

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  2. Slot Machine Programming Code C++ Ro Ghoul
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Slot Machine Programming Code C++ Python

Slot Machine Programming Code C++Slot machine programming code c++ ro ghoul

Slot Machine Programming Code C++ Ro Ghoul

P: 8
I need some help. I am getting an error of: local function definitions are illegal. What does this mean? Can anybody help me out a little? Thank you.
//Specification: This program simulates a three
//wheeled slot machine. Each wheel will randomly
//display three numbers. When the numbers on the
//wheels match the user is award points. The Slot
//machine requires the user to enter tokens to play.
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
class slotMachine {
int wheelA;
int wheelB;
int wheelC;
double payOut; //amount of $ won during the current turn
double moneyInMachine; //total amount of $ in the machine
double playersBalance; //the amount of $ not yet played
double gameCost; //the cost of one pull
double moneyPaid; //the money put in by user
bool displayMenu(void);
bool pullHandle(void);
void spinWheel(int &);
double calculatePayout();
void insertCoin(double );
void displaySpinResults();
int Random(int, int);
void displayTotals();
int main(void) {
//create a slot machine object
slotMachine mySlot;
//Start the slot machine game
//Keep running until the user
//decides to quit
bool ok = true;
while (ok){
ok = mySlot.displayMenu();
return 0;
slotMachine::slotMachine () {
//constructor, set the initial state
//of all the properties
srand((int) time(0));
moneyInMachine = 100;
moneyPaid = 0;
payOut = 0;
wheelA = 0;
wheelB = 0;
wheelC = 0;
gameCost = 1;
bool slotMachine::displayMenu(void){
//main menu, executes the command selected by the
//user or returns a value to terminate game execution
int choice = 0;
//declare variables
char usersChoice = 'E';
bool continueGame = true;
//display menu opitions
cout << 'Welcome to Las Vegas Casino n';
cout << 'Please choose an option: n';
cout << '(E)nd, (P)ull, P(A)Y, (T)otals';
//get the input
cin >> usersChoice;
switch (usersChoice){
case 'E': //end game
continueGame = false;
case 'A': //pay
continueGame = true;
//prompt user to pay
cout << 'Please enter $1.00. n' << gameCost << endl;
//get input
cout << 'Thank you for entering your money. n' << moneyPaid << endl;
case 'P': //user pulls the handle
continueGame = true;
if (pullHandle()){
case 'T': //show the totals
continueGame = true;
return continueGame;
bool slotMachine::pullHandle(void){//local function defintions are illegal
//checks to see if there is money
//given by user then assigns a random value
//to each wheel. Deducts the cost of one
//pull from the users money.
double moneyInMachine = 100;
int wheelA = 1;
int wheelB = 2;
int wheelC = 3;
moneyInMachine = moneyInMachine - moneyPaid;
cout << 'You have n' << moneyInMachine << endl;
return true;
void slotMachine::spinWheel(int &theWheel){//local function definitions are illegal
//assign a random value to a wheel
int wheelA = 0;
int wheelB = 0;
int wheelC = 0;
wheelA = 1 + rand() % (3 - 1 + 1);
wheelB = 1 + rand() % (3 - 1 + 1);
wheelC = 1 + rand() % (3 - 1 + 1);
double slotMachine::calculatePayout(){// local function defintions are illegal
//decides if the current wheel values merit a
//payout and how much that payout should be.
//deducts the total payout from the total
//amount of money in the machine
int jackPot = 1000;
int goodJob = 10;
int youLose = -5;
int wheelA = 0;
int wheelB = 0;
int wheelC = 0;
wheelA wheelB && wheelA wheelC;
cout << 'Jackpot!!!' << jackPot << endl;
wheelA wheelB wheelA wheelC wheelB wheelC;
cout << 'Good Job' << goodJob << endl;
moneyInMachine = moneyInMachine + jackPot;
moneyInMachine = moneyInMachine + goodJob;
return moneyInMachine;
void slotMachine::insertCoin(double amount = 0.0){ //local function definitions are illegal
//adds to the amount of money paid by the user
//adds to the total money in the machine
int moneyInMachine = 100;
int moneyPaid = 0;
moneyInMachine = moneyPaid + moneyInMachine;
void slotMachine::displaySpinResults(){
//displays the value of the three wheels
int wheelA = 0;
int wheelB = 0;
int wheelC = 0;
cout << 'First wheel shows: n' << wheelA << endl;
cout << 'Second wheel shows: n' << wheelB << endl;
cout << 'Third wheel shows: n' << wheelC << endl;
void slotMachine::displayTotals(){
//displays the total money in the machine and the number
//of pulls the user has left
cout << 'You have this much money left: $' << moneyInMachine << endl;
cout << 'You have this many turns left: ' << endl;
int slotMachine::Random(int lowerLimit, int upperLimit) {
//returns a random number within the given boundary
return 1 + rand() % (upperLimit - lowerLimit + 1);

Slot Machine Programming Code C++ Download

Of playing slot machines. Virtually, anyone who visits a casino is familiar with a slot machine and how it operates, even a novice. You insert a coin, pull the handle or press a button and wait a few seconds to see if you win. It’s basic simplicity accounts for much of the success of slot machines in today’s casinos. I made a fully functioning 'slot machine' through C and I just wanted to share it in-case someone ever had the idea of making one. Even if you'd like to code it in another language, you will be able to use the same concepts in C. The code is very simple so it's very easy to read. 1.2 Plugging in Your Slot Machine to AC Plug the external AC power cord into a 120 Volt AC outlet (standard U.S.A. It is preferable to plug your unit into a UL approved surge protector (e.g. Such as the ones you use with your computer). This will protect your Slot Machine from power surges and allow you to turn the machine on and off.