Ultimate Bet Poker Rigged

Posted onby admin

Without question it is rigged. It's actually pretty funny, the moment I win a big sports wager, I'll hop into. May 13, 2010 Do not play Ultimate Bet BlackJack, it is completely rigged. I have video (and will be posting on YouTube under UBBlackJack) that this site is rigged. Twelve hands in a row, the dealer had 20 or 21. For fourteen hands in a row, the dealer had paint showing.

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If there was ever any doubt over whether or not 1994 World Series of Poker main event champion Russ Hamilton cheated at online poker, then it’s probably now gone.

Audio recordings released last week by a former employee of Ultimate Bet include how much money Russ Hamilton, a former owner of the site, admitted to stealing from players.

Hamilton said that he siphoned off between $16-$18 million from opponents thanks to a “God Mode” feature, which gave him access to the hole cards of everyone at the table.

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The information further cements the former poker site as a sham. It, along with its sister site Absolute Poker, closed to Americans in April 2011, after the United States government came after the owners of the top offshore sites offering games in American cyberspace. UB/Absolute Poker never repaid players who had money in their accounts.

The recordings were posted just a few days ago by Travis Makar, who previously worked under Hamilton. Makar has long been engaged in an effort to reveal the shadiness of the defunct site.

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Hamilton reportedly cheated players such as Ben Affleck, Brad Booth and Prahlad Friedman.

The recording was of a conversation between Hamilton, Greg Pierson and Dan Friedberg — two other individuals high up in the company’s ranks — that occurred in 2008.

The full three-hour meeting can be found here, but there’s a shorter version with the highlights available below. Hamilton at one point remarked bluntly, “I did take this money and I’m not trying to make it right, so let’s get that out of the way.”

There have been reports of Hamilton playing poker in Florida. He, along with all other principals of the site, have never been charged for any crime related to the cheating, for online poker itself was in a legal grey area during those years. However, former owners of the site were named in the April 2011 indictment for other crimes, such as illegal gambling and bank fraud.

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Ultimate Bet Poker Rigged Poker

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New ‘Superuser’ allegations raised, this time against Ultimate Bet poker
Right on the heels of the release of the KGC report detailing the involvement of Absolute Poker in the largest reported cheating scandal in online poker history, a new set of allegations is making the rounds at the major online poker forums. This time, the room in question is Ultimate Bet, but the alleged method of cheating - a superuser account that has access to player hole card data - seems to be more or less the same.
This story is in a very preliminary stage, and lacks the blatantly obvious evidence that the Absolute story featured. Also, there’ been no official comment from anyone over at UB on this story as of yet.
The allegations center around a player with the handle ‘NioNio’, who reportedly beat several of the top online pros at high stakes no limit on UB with what would be considered an unconventional style at best. The initial allegations are summarized, along with the available data, in this thread on 2+2. Excerpt from dlpnyc21’s post:
I will post the highlights from the original thread. To be clear, trambo and I believe we were victims of a superuser who could see our cards. Others believe there was highly highly suspicious play/winrate/stats from Nionio on ub from the period of july-september. We have around 3k hands during which time nionio was up 300k. This alone would be a massive heater for anyone at 25/50 and 50/100 but what’s more surprising is that he played another 5k hands (which we do not have right now but know he played based on mypokerintel) at THE SAME WIN RATE. This means that potentially he took over 700k out of the games. He brutalized all the best and winngest players on the site. If you want more hand histories, email omniheart or myself or trambopoline. The most damaging evidence so far is the HU session vs. trambo, where he plays “perfectly” (in the worlds of trambo), floating/raising every time trambo tried to bluff/folding when trambo had good hands.
He is up massively v. myself, trambo, arbian night, whee, cts, basically any respected 2p2er he destroyed. For a LOT of $.
Trambopoline suggests in an accompanying thread that he’s been in touch with Phil Hellmuth personally by phone (after a mini-drama where someone pretending to be Hellmuth contact Trambopoline via email), that Hellmuth has made UB aware of the situation and that an investigation will be happening. Excerpt:
Anyways after tracking down Phil at the tables I finally got a hold of him, this time for real. I just got off the phone wiht him after speaking with him for well over an hour. He informed me that he understands I made an honest mistake and totally forgives me, and even informed me to post that he said so. We went over the accounts in question and I got to say, he was very suspicous to say the least. . He informed me that UB has already started an investigation and that info should be released within the next few weeks. He is going to call me again within the next 1-3 days. That is all im going to comment on the issue right now, once again im terribly terribly sorry and I hope this does not tarnish my name
We’ll post updates as they occur.