How Does Gambling Lead To Poverty

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  1. How Does Gambling Lead To Poverty Affect
  2. How Does Gambling Lead To Poverty Increase
  3. How Does Gambling Lead To Poverty Affects

While you could be mistaken for believing that gambling is only for the rich and those with some discretionary spending money available, the rate of gambling in poor neighborhoods is more than twice the rate as experienced neighborhoods with very low poverty levels. It appears there is a direct correlation between the prevalence of problem gambling and the socio-economic level of neighborhoods, with gambling problems increasing as the level of poverty of the neighborhood increases.

The following resultant information came out of a study conducted by the University at Buffalo Research Institute on Addictions (RIA) in Buffalo, New York, U.S.A., with 5000 participants aged 14 to 90. Each of the participants was interviewed via telephone by a study representative. RIA is recognized as a national leader in the study of abuse issues, including alcohol, substances and gambling.


The effects of poverty are more than just missing a meal. Families struggle with chronic food insecurity, hunger, and malnutrition. When families don’t have the food, their health and livelihood suffers, trapping them in a vicious cycle that affects one generation after another. Gambling is a form of economic predation. Gambling grinds the faces of the poor into the ground. It benefits multinational corporations while oppressing the lower classes with illusory promises of wealth, and with (typically) low-wage, transitory jobs that simultaneously destroy every other economic engine of a local community.

  1. USA Casino Expert is How Does Gambling Lead To Poverty an independent community of gambling industry professionals founded in 2017. The main goal of our How Does Gambling Lead To Poverty team is to provide recommendations on the choice of safe, reliable and trusted online casinos, welcome bonuses and gambling for players from the United States.
  2. Drug Addiction and Poverty: Understanding the Connection. There is a long-standing belief that drug addiction and poverty go hand in hand. It is harder to believe that someone who doesn’t have a job or has little income can afford the expense of addiction. In some cases, addiction causes poverty, rather than the other way around.
  3. Christians believe that the way that wealth is acquired is also important, and do not agree with acquiring wealth through gambling or lottery winnings, as this can encourage greed.

Those unable to find employment and/or on social assistance and living in poverty seemed to not only be at higher risk of becoming gamblers but have more serious gambling problems, including addiction. Being financially disadvantaged seems to cause people to risk what little money they have available to them in hopes of turning it into a larger sum, thinking that that in turn would improve their financial situation. Sadly, as so often happens, their hopes are not realized and they become worse off than before they gambled. Forms of gambling that were popular with such individuals included sports betting, bingo, dog or horse racing, casinos, lotteries, gambling online, office pools, raffles, as well as many others.

How Does Gambling Lead To Poverty Affect

While approximately 5 percent of people living in neighborhoods with low poverty levels would have serious gambling problems, that number jumped to more than 11 percent in very low socio-economic neighborhoods, particularly where poverty was at its worst, with a high rate of unemployed, high numbers of people living on government assistance and generally rundown and filthy surroundings. These factors all had a huge impact on the percentage of people with serious gambling problems. Surprisingly the number of gambling establishments within the neighborhood had little to no impact on the number of people with gambling issues or addiction.

Speculation as to why people living in poor neighborhoods turn to gambling includes such things as lack of financially healthy role models, but desperation factors into it too. When a poor person has a small amount of money available but doesn’t have enough to cover the rent or the utility bill he/she may take a chance and gamble with that money in the hope that they can win enough to cover that bill or make that rent payment. Those that exhibited signs of having a serious gambling problem would gamble with increasing amounts of money, try over and over again to control or stop the gambling but always stumble and fall, and be fixated on opportunities that would lend themselves well to gambling, all typical signs as exhibited by addicts of drugs, alcohol and other addictive behaviors.


How Does Gambling Lead To Poverty Increase


How Does Gambling Lead To Poverty Affects


The results of this study were published in the Journal of Behavioral Addictions in June 2014.